INTRODUCING: +--\ +--- +--+ +---+ - - +--\ /--\ +---+ +--\ /--+ | | | | |__ |__| | |__| |__/ | | | | | \__ | | | | | | | | | | | \ | | | | | \ | | +--/ +--- - - - - - - - \--/ +---+ +--/ +--/ . . +-----------------------------------------------------------+ __________________ +------------ ------------+ VERSION 0.99beta +------------__________________------------+ By: Augusto Roman! - SOURCE CODE - Requirements: *FAST* computer! 386 or higher (technically, since it uses 386 instructions), but it runs at a nice speed on my 486/50. SuperVGA video card with 1 meg of video RAM VESA graphics support (either hardware or software) A software VESA BIOS extender can be found as "" on "" in the "/pub/msdos/programming/libs" directory. (I believe the newest version may be "") SoundBlaster for sound. I didn't write the sound routines, so I have no idea whether they will work with the GUS, SB16 or whatever. Borland C++ v.3.1 or higher in order to use the project file. Notes on source: Most of the stuff is uncommented, but it shouldn't be too difficult to understand. The included project file, if you can't use it, simply includes the files DETHROID.C, SOUND.C, DMALIB.C, and TIMERX.C. If you have any questions / comments / compliments / etc on my source, go ahead and email me! Credits: Coding: Augusto Roman :) Graphics: Augusto Roman =) Sound Bytes: Augusto Roman :-) Moral Support: Augusto Roman =-) Other worthy of note: (hehe) The entire sound part of this program was only possible because of Peter Sprenger's fantastic SOUNDX sound system!! Without this, I would have been stuck with beeps and boops. (Ugh) All the graphics were raytraced with the really nifty LightWave 3-D program. The very same program that they use for Babylon 5 and Seaquest! Pretty cool, eh? Sound bytes taken from various movies (hehe, see if you can guess which ones! :) Also, a MAJOR thanks to everyone on the net for helping me out with optomizing my graphics routines! There's no way it would be as fast as it is without their help! Especially those on! Thanks to the PC Games Programming Encyclopedia and its makers! Thanks to Jason Hughes (a.k.a. The Panther) for an example for debugging my VESA stuff! And, of course, to everyone who helped me out with various tips and pointers. Disclaimer: I've never released a program before, but everything I've seen around has one of these, so I figured that I'd go ahead and put one too. (In all caps, even! :) WARNING: THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE. THE AUTHOR, THEREFORE, IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE DONE TO YOU, YOUR LIFE, YOUR DOG, YOUR MOUSE, OR ANYTHING ELSE IN ANY WAY CONNECTED TO YOUR EXISTANCE RESULTING FROM THIS PROGRAM. YOU MAY USE, COPY, MODIFY, DISTRIBUTE, AND/OR ERASE THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION FOR ANY LAWFUL PURPOSE SO LONG AS ALL FILES ARE KEPT (OR DELETED) TOGETHER. In short, * RUN THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK! * Have a nice day. Also, this program is freeware, and I'd like it to stay that way. You may use / learn / whatever from the routines included for your own programs, but please do not take this program and sell it. (i.e. - Go ahead and see how my routines work, then write a program that makes you a millionaire. :) (But don't forget me! =) ) Other nifty info about this great program: It was written in C. 100% C. Except for the sound code, which I didn't write, but oh well. Didn't know how to split up the source code when I began writing it, and didn't want to fix it later, so it is all in one big file. The source is just about 50k, excluding the sound stuff. It practically un-commented, but I used easy-to-understand names and stuff, so it shouldn't be too tough to decipher. (I think so, anyways. :) If you have any feedback on this game ("It's *FANTASTIC*!" or "Hey, you wrote a really lame game."), or even money! (hehe), I can be reached at: Augusto Roman 4865 Las Alturas Las Cruces, NM, 88011 or via e-mail at: